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KnitWarm: A Hong Kong-made and -invented innovative material - DMatters HKDC

KnitWarm's business focuses on a patented heat-conductive smart textile invented, designed and made in Hong Kong. It reduces the bulkiness and discomfort of winter clothing and unlocks their aesthetic potential. The label aspires to fill the market gap of warm yet stylish clothing with the innovative material. "One of our goals of joining DIP was to promote our brand through collaborating with like-minded companies."

In this year's Hong Kong Denim Festival, they worked with 'ideas from life' and enhanced the event's staff passes with their KnitWarm LanyardWarmer, which can help relieve neck stiffness and muscle discomfort.

"We also teamed up with 2 designers to join the Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong's ReMix programme, and got the chance to collaborate with famous local brand Chicks to launch a crossover collection this December. We have more plans in the pipeline, such as expanding to overseas markets."


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