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KnitWarm @ Ming Pao【ReMIX Final Collaboration Match Results! 】

Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong launches the first “ReMIX · Yesterday’s Future, Invent Tomorrow!(ReMIX) program. ReMIX spurs design collaboration between local brands and professional designers on a much broader basis and ignites classic brands with new creative concepts together with beauty and intelligence in creating new products. After selections and deliberations, 5 final design teams were chosen to work with the classic brands and create new product series.

Chicks X agape・IVO・KnitWarm

Established for over 60 years, Chicks is a popular classic brand in Hong Kong, symbolizes by its beloved and iconic three‐chicken logo. The brand has been focusing on manufacturing innerwear for seasons all year round, producing simple, comfortable and high‐quality products.

Chicks will collaborate with three designers for this program:

KnitWarm’s founder and creative director, Stanley Kwok Chi Hung, is a specialist in knitting design who has developed a series of KnitWarm products with patented innovative heat‐ conductive knitting technology that can be used in daily life. His innovation brought awards included Red Dot Awards, ISPO Award and other international awards.

agape design limited, the first resin art brand in Hong Kong. The founder, Rolland Cheung Wui Hei initiates “Art is Life” concept – to let art integrates with life. He has hold exhibitions in Paris, Taiwan, China and Macau. His first solo art exhibition was hold in Taipei.

The founder of the fashion brand IVO, Lincoln SzeTo, a seasoned fashion designer. His showcases have been hosted by Lane Crawford. With vast knowledge in wide range of materials and impeccable senses, he has designed the “New Normal Mask” – a multifunctional and reusable facemask with light‐up feature.

Chicks believes under the collaboration with these three outstanding designers, their new products will equip with comfortable wear touch together with a strong sense of individuality, creativity, warmth and intimacy.

【ReMIX 香港經典品牌與設計團隊最終配對結果出爐!】

香港工業設計師協會 (IDSHK) 於早前舉辦的首屆「ReMIX · Yesterday’s Future, Invent Tomorrow! (ReMIX)」經過遴選和洽談,成功配對的設計團隊包括:

雞仔嘜 X agape ‧ IVO ‧ KnitWarm: agape創辦人張滙希 (Rolland) 提倡「Art is Life」概念, 讓藝術融入生活;IVO_facemask創辦人司徒力勤 (Lincoln) 則是資深時裝設計師,創造出「罩出新裳態」 的時尚理念設計;KnitWarm「織暖有限公司」創辦人及創作總監郭志雄 (Stanley) 更以嶄新針織發熱專利方案配合設計研發產品。這次來自三個設計領域組成的團隊與雞仔嘜合作,必定會 激盪出意想不到的創意!

「ReMIX ‧ Yesterday's Future, Invent Tomorrow - IDSHK」計劃透過設計師以嶄新意念為香港經典品牌的傳統工藝拓展更多可能性;把創新的工業設計融入生活,設計出無限創意的聯乘產品。新產品系列預計於今年12月正式推出,大家敬請期待!

source: Ming Pao

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Knit Warm has been filed patent protection application. 

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