572551280147533 166985120552283 KnitWarm Wrap + 3000mAh ultra slim powerbank | KnitWarm 242382724095172
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Providing your wrists the extra support with brace and regularly soothing your muscles with heat can ease the wrist discomfort. Our KnitWarm Wrap carries out both of the functions. Created with the 3D breathable knitting technique, the stylish yet functional KnitWarm Wrap provides the support with the elastic brace and soothes the muscles with the patented self-heating module.  By connecting to a portable 5V2A power bank, KnitWarm Wrap provides the instant warmth which improves circulation and pacifies the muscles and tendons. Together with the compression supported by the wrap which can maintain the stability of the joint, KnitWarm Wrap is designed to alleviate the symptoms of the injured wrist.

KnitWarm Wrap + 3000mAh ultra slim powerbank

SKU: KB-009

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