KnitWarm @ HKSDA Awards Presentation Ceremony 2020
優秀創新的香港原創設計,值得被看見!「香港智營設計大賞2020」獲得本地企業和設計師踴躍支持參與,一共徵集到近500 件參賽作品。 87項别出心裁的優秀設計脫穎而出,逢發織造憑KnitWarm 產品設計奪得五個獎項,立即去片睇吓五個獎項的精華片段!
Celebrate excellence in Hong Kong original design! “The Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2020” has received nearly 500 entries in total, of which 87 outstanding local designs. Fung Fat Knitting Mfy Ltd won 5 awards by inventive KnitWarm design. Please check out the KnitWarm edition of Awards Presentation Ceremony.
KnitWarm® 4-in-1 CarPillow 「多功能旅行枕」
HK Smart Design Award 2020 - Bronze Award (Leisure and Travel)
HK Smart Design Award 2020 - Smart Aging Award (Gifts)
「2020年香港智營設計大賞」智齡大獎 (禮品)
Elevate your travel experience with the travel essential blanket / pillow convertible. The Convertible CarPillow is a solution to a carefree travel experience with a simple plug and play set up. With the rapid changing weather, the adjustable heat level of the Convertible CarPillow enables the user to adapt to different weather conditions. It could be a little blanket for the lap with a pocket for hands or temporary storage, or a shoulder cushion when using seat belt, back cushioning support, or neck support.
KnitWarm® 3-in-1 Beanie 「多功能發熱冷帽」
HK Smart Design Award 2020 - Gold Award (Personal Accessories)
The 3-in-1 beanie is a multi-functional innovative stylish tubular knits offering warmth to the back of ears and head. Opening the twisted closure and pulling over, you can wear it as a toasty warmer around the neck.
KnitWarm® Heat-conductive FaceMask 「織暖口罩」
HK Smart Design Award 2020 - Green Award (Home & Houseware)
「2020年香港智營設計大賞」綠色環保大獎 (家庭及家居用品)
KnitWarm FaceMask inner layer is created by the breathable seamless smart textile knit, offering warm breath to wearers in cold environments. The outer layer is fluid resistant by ultra dense construction for enhancing the dryness and warmth. By integrating ocean collagen added polymerized, and the silver coated conductive yarn, the face mask is great for sensitive skin, odour resistant and anti-bacterial. The functional design is to insert a filter in-between for extra-protection. The mask is washable and good for repeated use.
KnitWarm® HarnessWarmer 「發熱背帶」
HK Smart Design Award 2020 - Silver Award (Wellness & Personal Care)
Farewell to bulky, large and heavy clothing. Stay warm, sleek and stylish under your favourite fashion in chilly weather. Warm up your upper back to increase core temperature. Soothe stiff back and fuse your discomfort in a soft, handy and sustainable way. The yarn used in a HarnessWarmer is recycled from two PET bottles.
擺脫擁腫,小小一件背帶,接上行動電源便發熱,輕薄、柔軟又保暖!穿戴在大衣內,不用加添過多厚重衣服,旅遊時可省行李空間,行動更瀟灑!迅速溫暖背部有助提升體溫,達至御寒功效外;亦可紓緩背部疲勞, 可重用之餘,物料亦環保,用約兩個回收PET膠樽再造紗線編織。
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Source: Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 香港智營設計大賞