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KnitWarm @ Sing Tao Daily for "Hong Kong Emerging Brand Awards 2018"

Our brand,"KnitWarm" is entitled to enter the Final Judging for "Hong Kong Emerging Brand Awards 2018", which gives recognition to up-and-coming young brands established by Hong Kong companies.

KnitWarm® is invented, designed and made in Hong Kong.  Not only a textile, it will warm up in 30 seconds once connecting with 5V2A power bank. KnitWarm® is created with our industry-leading 3D Knitting techniques using silver coated conductive yarn and other natural fibres to foam a soft and ductile knitted textile circuit inside the panel, and generate the heat energy from resistance when plugged.

Teaming up with experts, consultants and professionals from different categories, KnitWarm® Limited implements and converts the creative ideas into the groundbreaking products, such as Red Dot award winning KnitWarm Wrap, KnitWarm EyeMask, and warmerchief, etc. The stylish yet functional “KnitWarm Wrap” provides the compression and support with stretchable braces and soothes muscles with the patented self-heating module, relieving joint discomfort, enhancing injury recovery, and serving as a user-friendly, portable and sustainable daily wearable.

KnitWarm® 「暖之織」是百分百香港研發、設計及製造的智能發熱針織品,利用專利技術把鍍上純銀的導電紗線編織在柔軟透氣又富彈性的針織布內,只要接上5V2A行動電源,可在30秒內產生溫熱,更可配合溫度調節及定時器使用;所有產品可放入洗衣機清洗,環保、安全及可靠,可代替一次性熱敷產品。


刋於 2018-12-11 【星島日報】


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