KnitWarm 4 in 1 Urban Jacket is Winner of the ISPO Award 2019 in Urban Segment

International award recognizes KnitWarm innovation.

We are proud to announce that our “KnitWarm 4 in 1 Urban Wool Jacket” has been recognized as the winner of the ISPO Award 2019 in the Urban Segment.

The ISPO Award is traditionally presented at ISPO Munich and has been awarded to the best and most innovative sports products for years. An independent jury of experts determines who receives the most coveted award for sporting goods.

Our KnitWarm 4-in-1 Urban Wool Jacket consists of two jacket layers that zip together. You can wear either jacket layer separately, or zip them together for extra warmth and weather protection. The reversible inner knitted insulating jacket combines technology and nature by impling electric self-heating KnitWarm technology to the breathable stretchable wool, which is naturally resistant to the build-up of unpleasant odours. The exterior possesses waterproof jacket is also breathable. Fusing KnitWarm technology with natural wool could benefit for the best wearing comfort. The 4 in 1 jacket is designed for urban explorer with easy movement, interchangeable style to cater different weather and occasion.

國際獎項認定 KnitWarm 的創新性

「KnitWarm 4合1羊毛外套」 在「城市休閒運動」界別中,榮獲2019年「ISPO全球設計獎」

ISPO AWARD是全球範圍運動產品創新性和高品質的標誌。「ISPO全球設計大獎」作為一項面向全球運動行業的權威產品評選,旨在幫助行業尋找下一年度在產品技術、設計和性能多個方面最具有突破性表現的運動產品。「ISPO全球設計大獎」歷經十幾年發展,建立了完善並權威的評審機制,一貫秉承客觀真實的評審原則,對獲獎資格嚴格把關。

KnitWarm四合一羊毛外套是由兩層外套組成,外層及內層雙面外套,可獨立或組合穿著,備有多樣功能、配合不同場合或天氣穿著;具有防風防水及透濕的功能羊毛混紡外褸能確保舒適及乾爽的穿著體驗,加上可拆式3D剪裁帽及內層KnitWarm恆溫透氣外套;當遇到下雨或寒冷天氣時,你可以一起穿上,只要接上5V2A行動電源,內層KnitWarm便可以加熱升溫,可隨個人喜好以智能電話app無綫調教合適溫度,既溫暖又不臃腫;若遇上微雨或陰晴不定的天氣,你可只穿上外層防風防水透濕外套;如風力較弱或在市內活動時,你可只穿上內層KnitWarm外套,更可隨場合需要,選擇淨色或時尚針織提花雙面設計;KnitWarm 四合一外套結合天然羊毛及功能性,羊毛擁有良好的親水性及濕度管理,能帶給你舒適柔軟及透氣效果;而其纖維內部的獨特構造,還可達到吸收異味,保持清新的效果。適合全天候穿著!
